Mariposa County Junior Livestock Sale -CA

Welcome to the 2020 Mariposa County Junior Livestock Sale. This year we are selling beef, goats, sheep, swine, and rabbits.
Anyone who buys an animal or enters an Add-On (Bump Bid) will recieve an invoice AFTER the completion of the sale.
All exhibitors abide by the Mariposa Livestock Show rules and procedures. The exhibitors are allowed to sell only one animal UNLESS both animals are champions in their shows. The bidding option on the second animal will be removed after the completion of that specie's show and that animal will not be sold.
This year's resale prices are: Beef = $.80 Goat=$2.70 Sheep=$1.05 Swine= $0.30
Disposition Options:
Beef: Custom, Resale or Live Pickup
Goat: Custom, Resale or Live Pickup
Sheep: Custom, Resale or Live Pickup
Swine: Custom, Resale or Live Pickup
Rabbit: Custom
IF you have purchased an animal, you will recieve an email at the conclusion of the sale with instructions on how to respond with your prefered animal processing. You MUST respond by 10pm Saturday, September the 5th. If you do not respond then your animal will go to resale. Your options for processing are as follows
Sander's Meat Service (Steers, Lambs, Goats, Swine)
Dave's Meat Service (Steers, Lambs, Goats, Swine)
Chase's Chop Shop (Steers, Swine)
If you have any questions about the sale please call the Garret Rowley at 209-585-6288. Thank you for supporting the youth of Mariposa County!